Beijing wancheng voyage Chemical Products Co., Ltd. is located in Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park, is a professional supply of chemical reagents, biological reagents, pharmaceutical raw materials, laboratory supplies, glassware, instruments and equipment chain chemical enterprises.
The "quality of survival, service and development" is the voyage of the career of this, the company from the reality, of empathy, through the years with suppliers to establish good relations and cooperation from the source to ensure product quality, market - oriented, flexible adjustment of the company's mode of operation, providing customers with quality service, so that customer satisfaction is our eternal pursuit.
- 主要经营产品:
- 化学试剂 ; 生化试剂 ; 玻璃仪器 ; 实验耗材 ; 机械设备 ; 食品添加剂
- 经营范围:
- 销售化工产品(不含危险化学品及一类易制毒化学品)、仪器仪表;技术服务。(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。
- 营业执照号码:
- 110108012385417
- 法人代表:
- 黄辉
- 成立时间:
- 2009-11-06
- 注册资本:
- 10 万元 人民币 (万元)
- 官方网站:
- 未提供